
Zico was very scared of outside noises
Zico was very scared of outside noises

This is my little dog Zico. When we would go out, he was really scared of any kind of obstacles. It worried me because all of our outings were very frustrating. I was talking to a woman who had similar problems with her dog. She told me that she was using ADAPTIL.

Bodie was really scared of fireworks
Bodie was really scared of fireworks

We have a German shorthair pointer called Bodie. Sheโ€™s 18 months old and lovely โ€ฆ Really lovely

She chose us, and she came and slept on me which was beautiful.

We attended a fireworks display, she showed terrible signs of distress. She cowered, she shook she licked her lips. We realised that she had an issue with the fireworks.

We found ADAPTIL Express on a Facebook group, we looked at what other people had experienced and thought that we would try it ourselves.

We give the tablets about 2 hours before we know there will be a firework and there is a definite difference: she goes back to sleep, she doesnโ€™t move away.

We also ensure she knows that she has a safe place to go to. She has her bed, sheโ€™s got her comforts around her.

Sheโ€™s more relaxed and she feels safer.

It really has made a difference. Itโ€™s made life with our dog happier

Finley is a nervous dog and finds loud noises scary
Finley is a nervous dog and finds loud noises scary

When we first got Finley he was a really nervous dog, terrified of loud noises, and in particular fireworks! When fireworks started, Finlay was so scared: he hyperventilated, shook, hid... It was the vet who told us to try ADAPTIL Calm.

We have a much closer relationship now.

Everglades was scared when outside
Everglades was scared when outside

Everglades is an Australian Shepherd. He is my first dog. He is a good dog, he's very attached to us. But when we used to go out for walks he would get scared easily around large imposing objects, he wanted to go back home immediately!

Then I discovered ADAPTIL Calm, and there was a clear improvement after just a few days.Thanks to Adaptil, heโ€™s more confident. We can now do a lot more things on our outings, We feel happy.



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