How to help your rescue dog settle in

  1. Help your new family member feel calmer with ADAPTIL Calm Collar

    • The ADAPTIL Calm Collar releases a comforting pheromone which helps make your new dog feel more secure in their new home.​
    • Clinically proven to help dogs adapt to new situations and settle into a new home.​
    • Put an ADAPTIL Calm Collar on your dog before you leave the rehoming centre. This ensures the comforting support begins for the whole process.​
    • Best results are seen with continued use for at least one month.
  2. Prepare their new home

    • Prepare a super comfy and cozy space for them with a bed. If they are used to sleeping in a crate, have one ready. You can make these feel den like, as this can be comforting.
    • Make sure the chosen area is in a quiet part of your home, where they will be undisturbed.
    • Have water and toys near their bed area.
  3. Establish a routine

    • Dogs like a routine, so establish one as soon as you can.
    • Initially stick to mealtimes that your new dog is used to - you can gradually change these once your dog is settled in.
  4. Start building a bond with training

    • Be consistent with the rules and expectations from the start (that means everyone in the family!).
    • A good way to build a bond is by spending time together doing some training. Make sure you keep it positive and do not overwhelm them. ​
    • Contact your local accredited dog trainer for details about training classes. These can be a great way to learn new things together and meet other dog parents!

We recommend:

Releases appeasing pheromones, comforting your dog as they settle in

The effective solution to comfort newly adopted puppies

  • Recommended by veterinarians

  • 25 clinical studies published

  • 20+ years of expertise


See how ADAPTIL helped these Dogs:

Jess the pup settles in easily with ADAPTIL Junior
Adopting a Dog puppy training

Jess the pup settles in easily with ADAPTIL Junior

Jess is 10 weeks old now, a little Australian Shepherd dog. Our little dream dog. Using ADAPTIL Junior is very easy. You put it on the puppy like any other...
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ADAPTIL Junior Collar
Suzanne wants to give Betty the best start in life
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Suzanne wants to give Betty the best start in life

My name’s Suzanne, and I live with my family and our 9 week old puppy: Betty. The whole family fell in love with her instantly! We wanted to...
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ADAPTIL Junior Collar

Tips to help your dog adjust to their new home

It's exciting to welcome a new canine companion into your home! It's also a big decision! Discover these 10 things to consider before you adopt a dog and more information from our Happy Dog Expert, Chloe Fesch for what questions to ask before adopting a dog.

Once the decision is made and you have found the perfect pooch for you, the next step is to prepare your home ready for their arrival. Make sure your house is dog-proofed, and your have all the resources they will need, such as food and water bowls, lead and harness/collar, identification, toys etc.

Helping your adopted dog settle in faster

An ADAPTIL Calm Collar can help your dog settle into their new home and get used to the different environment, routine and other pets they are now living with. The collar releases appeasing messages that help your dog adapt to these changes. Simply put the collar on your dog before leaving the rehoming centre, so that your new dog has the reassuring messages for the journey home and as they settle into their new family and surroundings.

Find out your dog's preferences (the rehoming staff will be able to help you) and incorporate these. Establish a routine - initially try and maintain what your dog is used to and then slowly shift once they are settled in. More advice to Help your dog newly adopted dog settle in are in this article.

Introducing your newly adopted dog to your cat?

Be assured, not all dogs and cats chase each other like in Tom and Jerry cartoons! They can live very happily together and often become the best of pals, but it’s best to make introductions slowly and calmly to help each pet to co-exist on their own terms. Our article How to help your newly adopted dog settle in with your cat has tips to help.

Popular tips from Dog trainers: Your new dog has a lot of change to get used to. Speak to your local accredited dog trainer for advice about how to help them settle in. Make sure your dog has a safe comfortable place they can rest undisturbed. Reward your dog at every opportunity, so they quickly understand what you are looking for. This helps their confidence grow and your bond to flourish.

For older dogs, here's our top 10 tips to help train your newly adopted dog. Looking to change your new dog's name? Read Can you change a dog's name after adoption to find out how.

How long does it take for an adopted dog to settle in?

All dog's are individual, and their personality and previous experiences will have a role to play in this. Dog trainers and behaviourists report it can often take 3 months for a rescue dog to fully adjust and settle in. Be patient, go at their pace and they will soon be an establish member of your family!